The Purge: Election Year 2016 : The Purge: Election Year 2016: A new Purge Night revolves around a politician diligently hunted for by assassins wearing mask and mutant predators. Prevent her to win the presidency
I'm a big fan of thriller & horror movies where the threat are real people rather than ghosts. Hostel, Saw, Wolf Creek are some of my favourite sequels. The Purge, with its intriguing concept, was also one of them... until I watched Election Year.

Nothing wrong with the cast, movie style or effects. It's just that the stereotypes have become so annoying in this third movie! It would be okay if the director were able to make it more subtle, but since the movie is dumb proof, the persistent displays of "LOOK HOW WHITE PEOPLE ARE CORRUPT AND BAAAAD! LOOK HOW GOOOOOOD THESE POOR IMMIGRANTS AND DARK-SKINEED PEOPLE AAAAARE! LOOK HOW EVERYONE WHO COMMITS MURDER IS CRAZY - EXCEPT THE ONLY SANE, GOOD GUYS WHO KILL THEM." can get pretty annoying.
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